Articles on: Masjidbox Applications

Apple does not recognise my organisation as nonprofit

Apple uses the DnB database to check if your organization is a nonprofit organization.

Some organisations, especially in the UK, have trouble enrolling as nonprofits. If it's your case, you need to send a request to update your status to DnB. Here is how:

Go to
Enter your email address

Fill in the contact info form with your details

Click on Developer Program

Click on DUNS Status

<figure><img src="../.gitbook/assets/Screenshot 2022-11-28 at 09.09.37.jpg" alt=""><figcaption></figcaption></figure>

Fill in the form. 
DUNS number
Phone number
Legal status as a Nonprofit
Attachments: add any document that prove your organisation is nonprofit

In the description, ask them to update your organization status as nonprofit, you can add your charity number if you are from the UK, and also ask them to send a manual notification to Apple to update your organization data.

To speedup the process, you can call the DnB support and explain your request.

Updated on: 09/04/2023

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