How to Translate and customize all the texts displayed on your App
In the Dashboard click on Applications then Translation
You can customize all the texts on your application
Now, you have to publish a new version of your application to apply your latest changes.
To do that you need to go to Applications ⁽¹⁾, Publish ⁽²⁾, then choose the App operating system and click Send the request ⁽³⁾.
NOTE: The request will be added to the waiting list & will be approved ASAP
You can customize all the texts on your application
Now, you have to publish a new version of your application to apply your latest changes.
To do that you need to go to Applications ⁽¹⁾, Publish ⁽²⁾, then choose the App operating system and click Send the request ⁽³⁾.
NOTE: The request will be added to the waiting list & will be approved ASAP
Updated on: 17/08/2023
Thank you!